2ème édition de l’Executive Master Building Information Modelling : infos et inscriptions

Annonces diverses

L’Executive Master en BIM (Building Information Modelling) accueillera sa deuxième promotion à partir du 07 avril 2023. Co-crée entre l’Université Euromed de Fès/Euromed Polytechnic School et le Collège pour l'Innovation, le Management et l'Économie du savoir (CIMES), L’Executive Master en BIM est le 1er et l'unique programme en BIM certifié par buildingSMART International en Afrique et au Maroc.




Building SMART


buildingSMART International is leading the digital transformation by enabling better collaboration and digital workflows through the solutions and standards it delivers.

Interoperable, open, international standards for BIM that transcend traditional design and construction phases to enable a comprehensive digital environment for the entire project and asset lifecycle offer substantial benefits. 

buildingSMART International (bSI) is the worldwide industry body driving the digital transformation of the global built environment and the bSI Professional Certification Program has been developed to provide an international qualification for openBIM.
