El Kadib Abdelkrim
Euromed Polytechnic School (EPS)
05 38 90 32 14
2001 – 2004 Ph.D in Chemistry. Université Paul Sabatier. Laboratoire d’Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée. Toulouse. France. (Dr. A. Castel).
- Matériaux mésoporeux, hybrides et multifonctionnels
- Chimie verte et catalyse en chimie fine
- Transformation de la biomasse
- Chimie du carbone
01/2019– Full Professor. EuroMed University of Fez. Morocco.
03/2014– 01/2019 Associate Professor. EuroMed University of Fez. Morocco.
10/2009 – 02/2014 Associate Researcher. iNANOTECH-MAScIR. Rabat. Morocco.
10/2008 – 09/2009 Researcher Assistant. Queen's University. Department of Chemistry. Kingston. Canada.
08/2007 – 09/2008 Researcher Assistant. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Chimie. Montpellier. France.
04/2006 – 07/2007 Post-doctoral fellowship. Institut Charles Gerhardt. Montpellier. France.
04/2005 – 03/2006 Post-doctoral fellowship. Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. Pau. France.
P-94 ) Growth of binary anatase–rutile on phosphorylated graphene through strong P–O–Ti bonding affords a stable visible-light photocatalyst
F. Zirar, A. Anouar, N. Katir, I. Ait Ichou, A. El Kadib.*
RSC Adv., 11 (2021) 28116. IF = 3.36
P-93) Insight into factors influencing wound healing using phosphorylated cellulose‐filled‐chitosan nanocomposite films
M. Kędzierska,*S. Blilid, K. Miłowska, J. Kołodziejczyk‐Czepas, N. Katir, M. Lahcini, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska.
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, (2021) 1138622. IF = 5.92
P-92) Hybrid phosphorus-viologen-dendrimers as new soft nanoparticles. Design and properties.
J-P; Majoral, M. Zablocka, K. Ciepluch, K. Milowska, M. Bryszewska, D. Shcharbin, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A-M. Caminade, S. Mignani.
Org. Chem. Front., 8 (2021) 4607. IF = 5.15
P-91) Gold nanoparticles grown on hydrophobic and texturally-tunable PDMS-like framework M. Kacem, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, A. Essoumhi, A. El Kadib.*
New J. Chem., 45 (2021) 10232. IF = 3.59
P-90) Antimicrobial effect of chitosan films on food spoilage bacteria
N. Wrońska,* N. Katir, K. Miłowska, N. Hammi, M. Nowak, M. Kędzierska, A. Anouar, K. Zawadzka, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib, K. Lisowska.*
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 (2021) 5839. IF = 5.92
P-89) Nanostructured metal oxide@carbon dots through sequential chitosan templating and carbonisation route
N. Hammi, N. Marcotte,* M. Marinova, K. Draoui, S. Royer, A. El Kadib.*
Carbo. Polym. Technol. Appl. 2 (2021) 100043.
P-88) Phosphorylated micro- and nanocellulose-filled chitosan nanocomposites as fully sustainable, biologically active bioplastics
S. Blilid, M. Kędzierska, N. Wrońska, M. El Achaby, N. Katir, E. Belamie, B. Alonso, K. Lisowska, M. Lahcini, M. Bryszewska,* A. El Kadib.* ACS Sus. Chemistry Eng., 8 (2020) 18354. IF = 7.63
P-87) Chitosan as a sustainable precursor for nitrogen-containing carbon nanomaterials: synthesis and uses
N. Hammi, S. Chen, F. Dumeignil, S. Royer,* A. El Kadib.* Materials Today Sustainability, 10 (2020) 100053.
P-86) Phosphorylation Triggered Growth of Metal Phosphate on Halloysite and Sepiolite Nanoparticles: Preparation, Entrapment in Chitosan Hydrogels and Application as Recyclable Scavengers.
B. Boumhidi, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, K. Draouib, A. El Kadib.* New J. Chem., 44 (2020) 14136. IF = 3.2
P-85) Polysaccharide templated biomimetic growth of hierarchically porous metal-organic framework
N. Hammi, S. El Hankari, N. Katir, N. Marcotte, K. Draoui, S. Royer, A. El Kadib.* Micro. Meso. Mater., 306 (2020) 110429. IF = 4.18
P-84) Phyllosilicate-derived nickel-cobalt bimetallic nanoparticles for the catalytic hydrogenation of imines, oximes and N-heteroarenes
C. Ciotone, N. Hammi, J. Dhainaut, M. Marinova, A. Ungureanu, A. El Kadib, C. Michon, S. Royer.*
ChemCatChem. 12, (2020) 4652. IF = 4.8
P-83) Green and functional aerogels by macromolecular and textural engineering of chitosan microspheres
A. El Kadib.*
Chem. Rec. 20 (2020) 753. IF = 6.1
P-82) Phosphorus pentoxide as a cost-effective, metal-free catalyst for ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone
I. Adoumaz, E. Boutriouia, R. Beniazza, H. Qayouh, A. El Kadib, A. Khoukh, M. Save, M. Lahcini,
RSC Adv., 10 (2020) 23498. IF = 3.1
P-81) Aldehyde-conjugated chitosan-graphene oxide glucodynamers: Ternary cooperative assembly and controlled chemical release
J. Chabbi, A. Aqil, N. Katir, B. Vertruyen, C. Jerome, M. Lahcini, A. El Kadib.*
Carbohydr. Polym., 230 (2020) 115634. IF = 6.04
P-80) Chitosan-functionalized graphene nanocomposite films: interfacial interplay and biological activity.
N. Wronska, A. Anouar, M. El Achaby, K. Zawadzka, M. Kedzierska, K. Miłowska, N. Katir, K. Draoui, S. Rózalska, I. Piwonski, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib,* K. Lisowska.*
Materials, 13 (2020) 998. IF = 3.05
P-79) Phosphorylated micro- vs nano-cellulose: A comparative study on their surface functionalisation, growth of titanium-oxo-phosphate clusters and removal of chemical pollutants
S. Blilid, N. Katir, J. El Haskouri, M. Lachini, S. Royer, A. El Kadib.*
New J. Chem., 43 (2019) 15555. IF = 3.2
P-78) Palladium supported on porous chitosan-graphene oxide aerogels as highly efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from formate
A. Anouar, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, A. Primo,* H. Garcia.*
Molecules., 24 (2019) 3290. IF = 3.06
P-77) Biopolymer@metal-organic framework: A critical survey
S. El Hankari, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib.*
Prog. Mater. Sci.,106 (2019) 100579. IF = 31.4
P-76) Synthesis of poly(ε-caprolactone)-grafted guar gum by surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization
T. El Assimi, R. Blažic, A. El Kadib, M. Raihane, R. Beniazza, G. A. Luinstra, E. Vidović, M. Lahcini.*
Carbohydr. Polym., 220 (2019) 95-102.IF = 5.15
P-75) Dendrimer for templating the growth of porous catechol-coordinated-titanium dioxide frameworks: Toward hemocompatible nanomaterials
N. Katir, N. Marcotte, S. Michlewska, M. Ionov, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib.*
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2 (2019) 2979-2990.
P-74) Organotin-bridged-ionic liquid as a solvent-free, leaching-resistive catalyst for ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone
A. Bouyahya, S. Balieu, R. Beniazza, M. Raihane, A. El Kadib, D. L. Cerf, P. Thébault, G. Gouhier, M. Lahcini.*
New J. Chem., 43 (2019) 5872-5878.IF = 3.2
P-73) Synthesis and multifaceted use of phosphorylated graphene oxide: growth of titanium dioxide clusters, interplay with gold nanoparticles and exfoliated sheets in bioplastics
A. Anouar. N. Katir. A.-S. Mamede, A. Aboulaich, K. Draoui, S. Royer, A. El Kadib.*
Mater. Chem. Front., 3 (2019)242-250.
P-72) Urea-assisted cooperative assembly of phosphorus dendrimer-zinc oxide hybrid nanostructures
S. El Hankari, N. Katir, V. Collière, Y. Coppel, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib.*
New J. Chem., 43 (2019) 2141-2147.IF = 3.2
N. Hammi, N. Wrońska, N. Katir, K. Lisowska, N. Marcotte, T. Cacciaguerra, M. Bryszewska, A. El Kadib.*
ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 2 (2019) 61-69.
P-70) Interfacial complexation driven three-dimensional assembly of cationic phosphorus
dendrimers and graphene oxide sheets
N. Katir, A. Benayad, N. Marcotte, N. Brahmi, J- P. Majoral, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib.*
Nansocale Adv., 1(2019) 314-321.
P-69) Photoredox catalysis at copper(II) on chitosan: application to photolatent CuAAC
O. Jennah, R. Beniazza, C. Duboc, T. Buffeteau, A. El Kadib, D. Lastécouères, M. Lahcini, * J-M. Vincent.*
Adv. Synth. Catal.,360 (2018) 4615-4624.IF = 5.1
P-68) Enhanced proton transport properties of Nafion via functionalized halloysite nanotubes
I. Ressama, A. El Kadib, M. Lahcini, O. Sel.*
Int. J. Hydr. Energy., 43 (2018) 18578-18591. IF = 4.2
P-67) Aldehyde-functionalized chitosan-montmorillonite films as dynamically-assembled, switchable chemical release bioplastics.
J. Chabbi, O. Jennah, N. Katir, M. Lahcini, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib.*
Carbohydr. Polym.,183 (2018) 287-293. IF = 5.15
P-66) Dynamic resolution of ion transfer in electrochemically reduced
graphene oxides revealed by electrogravimetric impedance
H. Goubaa, F. Escobar-Teran, I. Ressam, W. Gao, A. El Kadib, M. Raihane, M. Lahcini, H. Perrot,*O. Sel.*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (2017) 9370-9380. IF = 4.5
P-65) Chitosan-graphene oxide films and CO2-dried porous aerogel microspheres: interfacial interplay and stability
S. Frindy, A. Primo, H. Ennajih, A. Qaiss, R. Bouhfid, M. Lahcini, E. Essassi, H. Garcia, A. El Kadib.*
Carbohydr. Polym.,167 (2017) 297-305. IF = 5.15
P-64) Sulfonic acid functionalized chitosan as a sustainable component for proton conductivity management in PEMs
I. Ressam, N. Krins, C. Laberty-Robert, M. Selmane, M. Lahcini, M. Raihane, A. El Kadib, H. Perrot,* O. Sel.*
Chemistry Select.,2 (2017) 2503-2511.
P-63) Orthogonal synthesis of covalent polydendrimer frameworks by fusing classical and onion-peel phosphorus-based dendritic units
N. Katir, N. El Brahmi, N.Marcotte, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousmina,* A. El Kadib.*
Macromolecules, 49(2016) 5796-5805.IF = 5.45
P-62)Isotropic and oriented copper nanoparticles supported on graphene as aniline guanylation catalysts
S. Frindy, A. El Kadib, M. Lahcini, A. Primo,* H. Garcia.*
ACS Catal.,6(2016) 3863-3869. IF = 9.31
P-61)Metal-polysaccharide interplay: beyond metal immobilization, graphenization-induced-anisotropic growth
A. El Kadib.*
ChemSusChem, 9 (2016) 238-240. IF =7.65
P-60)Impact of mesoporous silica surface functionalization on human serum albumin interaction, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity
M. Ferenc,N. Katir,M. Bousmina, Y. Brahmi, A. Felczak, K. Lisowska, M. Bryszewska,A. El Kadib.*
Microp. Mesop. Mater., 231 (2016) 47-56. IF = 3.45
P-59)Copper nanoparticles supported on graphene as an efficient catalyst for A3 coupling of benzaldehydes
S. Frindy, A. El Kadib, M. Lahcini, A. Primo,* H. Garcia.*
Catal. Sci. Technol., 6 (2016) 4306-4317.IF =5.42
P-58) Insightful understanding of the role of clay topology on the stability of biomimetic hybrid chitosan-clay thin films and CO2-dried porous aerogel microspheres
S. Frindy, A. Primo, A. Qaiss, R. Bouhfid, M. Lahcini, H. Garcia, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib.*
Carbohydr. Polym., 146 (2016) 353-361. IF = 5.15
P-57) Periodic mesoporous organosilicas derived from amphiphilic bulky polymethylsiloxane
A. Finiels,* B. Alonso, M. Bousmina, D. Brunel, A. El Kadib.*
New J. Chem., 40 (2016) 4132-4135. IF = 3.08
P-56) Copper nanoparticles supported on graphene as a catalyst for the oxidative C-O cross-coupling of phenols
S. Frindy, A. El Kadib, M. Lahcini, A. Primo,* H. Garcia.*
Chemistry Select., 1 (2016) 157-162.
P-55) Harnessing synergies in tin-clay catalyst for the preparation of poly(ɛ-caprolactone)/ halloysite nanocomposites
M. Lahcini,* S. Elhakioui, D. Szopinski, B. Neuer, A. El Kadib, F. Scheliga, M. Raihane, F. J. Baltá Calleja.
Euro. Polym. J., 81 (2016) 1-11. IF =3.04
P-54) Ternary cooperative assembly--polymeric condensation of photoactive viologen, phosphonate-terminated dendrimers and crystalline anatase nanoparticles
N. Katir, Y. Brahmi, J. P. Majoral, M. Bousmina, A. El Kadib.*
Chem. Comm., 51 (2015) 17716-17719.IF =6.83
P-53)Cu nanoparticles stabilized in porous chitosan aerogel as a heterogeneous catalyst for C-S cross-coupling
S. Frindy, A. El Kadib, M. Lahcini, A. Primo,* H. Garcia.*
ChemCatChem, 7 (2015) 3307-3315. IF =4.5
P-52) Biological activity of mesoporous dendrimer-coated titanium dioxide: Insight on the role of the surface-interface composition and the framework crystallinity
P-51) Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, J. A. M. Agullo, A. Primo, M. Bousmina, J. P. Majoral, H. Garcia, A. El Kadib.*
Dalton Trans., 44 (2015) 15444-15556.IF =4.19
P-50)Synthesis of original onion peel nanodendritic structures with sequential functional phosphorus diversity
N. Katir,N. El Brahmi, A. El Kadib, S. Mignani, A.-M. Caminade, M. Bousmina,J.-P. Majoral.*
Chem. Eur. J., 21 (2015)6400-6408.IF =5.7
P-49)Haemolytic activity and cellular toxicity of SBA-15-type silicas: Elucidating the role of the mesostructure, the surface functionality and the linker length
M. Ferenc,N. Katir,K. Miłowska, M. Bousmina,J.-P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska,A. El Kadib.*
J. Mater. Chem. B., 3 (2015) 2714-2724. IF =4.7
P-48)Palladium embedded in chitosan microspheres as tunable soft-materials for Sonogashira cross-coupling in water-ethanol mixture
S. Frindy, A. Primo, M. Lahcini, M. Bousmina, H. Garcia,A. El Kadib.*
Green Chem., 17 (2015)1893-1898. IF =8
R-47)Chitosan as a sustainable organocatalyst: a concise overview
A. El Kadib.*
ChemSusChem,8 (2015) 217-244. IF =7.5
P-46)Nitroaldol condensation catalyzed by topologically-modulable cooperative acid-base chitosan-TiO2 hybrid materials
A. Aqil,* A. El Kadib,* M. Aqil, M. Bousmina, A. Elidrissi, C. Detrembleur, C. Jerome.
RSC Adv., 4 (2014) 33160-33163. IF =3.7
P-45)Viologen-based dendritic macromolecular asterisks: synthesis and interplay with gold nanoparticles
N. Katir, A. El Kadib,* V. Collière, J. P. Majoral,* M. Bousmina.
Chem. Comm.,50 (2014) 6981-6983. IF =6.7
P-44)Oleochemical-tethered-SBA-15-type silicates with tunable nanoscopic order, carboxylic surface and hydrophobic framework: cellular toxicity, hemolysis and antibacterial activity
E. Pędziwiatr, K. Miłowska, Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, J.-P.Majoral, A. Boruszewska, M. Bryszewska,* A. El Kadib.*
Chem. Eur. J.,20(2014)9596-9606. IF = 5.7
R-43)Recent progress in chitosan bio-based soft nanomaterials
A. El Kadib,* M. Bousmina, D. Brunel.
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.,14 (2014) 308-331.IF = 1.9
P-42)Sulfonic acid functionalised ordered mesoporous materials as catalysts for fine chemical synthesis
A. El Kadib,* A. Finiels, D. Brunel.*
Chem. Comm.,49 (2013) 9073-9076. IF = 6.7
P-41) Viologen-phosphorus dendrimers inhibit α-synuclein fibrillation
K. Milowska,* J. Grochowina, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J.-P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, T. Gabryelak.
Mol. Pharmaceutics, 10 (2013) 1131−1137.IF = 4.8
P-40) Low temperature synthesis of stable mesoporous anatase nanocrystals: A phosphorus dendrimer approach
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, M. Ianchuk, V. Collière, A. Ouali, A. Caminade, M. Bousmina, J.P. Majoral,*A. El Kadib.*Nanoscale, 5 (2013) 2850 –2856.IF = 6.7
P-39)Phosphorus-based fatty acid methyl esters
N. Katir,* A. El Kadib, A. Castel.
Chem. Phys. Lipids., 174 (2013) 39-47. IF = 2.6
P-38)Promising low-toxicity of viologen-phosphorus dendrimers against embryonic mouse hippocampal cells
J. Lazniewska, A. Janaszewska, K. Miłowska, A.-M. Caminade, S. Mignani, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska, J.-P. Majoral, T. Gabryelak, B. K.-Maculewic.*
Molecules, 18 (2013) 12222-12240. IF = 2.6
P-37) Self-templating amphiphilic polysiloxane to design nanostructured silica-based architectures
A. El Kadib,* A. Finiels, N. Marcotte, D. Brunel.
Chem. Comm., 49(2013)5168 – 5171.IF = 6.7
P-36)Transformable mesoporous organo-germano-silicas
Y. Brahmi, N. Katir, A. Castel,A. El Kadib.*
Micro. Meso. Mater., 177 (2013) 75-81.IF = 3.4
P-35) Structural and spectroscopic properties of the second generation phosphorus-viologen molecular asterisk
V. L. Furer,* A. E. Vandukov, N. Katir, J. P. Majoral, A. El Kadib, M. Bousmina, V. I. Kovalenko.*
Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc.,115(2013)183-190.IF = 2.1
P-34) Effect of viologen-phosphorus dendrimers on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities
K. Ciepluch,* M. Weber, N. Katir, A.-M. Caminade, A. El Kadib, B. Klajnert, J. P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska.Int. J. Biol. Macromol.,54(2013) 119. IF = 3.1
P-33) Mesostructured fatty acid-tethered silicas: sustaining the order by co-templating with bulky precursors
A. El Kadib,* N. Katir, A. Finiels,* A. Castel, N. Marcotte, K. Molvinger, C. Biolley, M. Bousmina, D. Brunel. Dalton Trans.,42(2013)1591-1602.IF = 4
P-32)Interaction between viologen-phosphorus dendrimers and α-synuclein
K. Milowska,* J. Grochowina, N. Katir, A. El Kadib, J.-P. Majoral, M. Bryszewska, T. Gabryelak.
J. Lumin., 134 (2013) 132–137.IF = 2.3
P-31)Modification of montmorillonite by novel geminal benzimidazolium surfactant and its use for the preparation of polymer organoclaynanocomposites
M. El Achaby, H. Ennajih, F.Z. Arrakhiz, A. El Kadib, R. Bouhfid, A. Qaiss.*
Composite Part B: Engineering, 51 (2013) 310–317.IF = 2.6
P-30) Viologen-phosphorus dendrimers exhibit minor toxicity against murine neuroblastoma cell line
J. Lazniewska,* K. Milowska,N. Katir, A. El Kadib, M. Bryszewska, J.-P. Majoral, T. Gabryelak.
Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett.,18 (2013) 459-478. IF = 1.95
- Cycle Préparatoire: chimie générale; chimie physique; chimie organique.
- Master: chimie de l’environnement; chimie et physique des matériaux.