Zineddine Mhamed
Ecole d’Ingénierie Digitale et d’Intelligence Artificielle (EIDIA)
PhD Doctor of Philosophy (2008)
Management of Information Technology
Capella University, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Dissertation Topic
Compliance of the healthcare industry with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act security regulations in Washington State: A quantitative study two years after mandatory compliance date
Dissertation Committee
Dr. Jose Nieves (Supervisor, Information Technology, George Mason University)
Dr. Gerald, Giraud (Committee Member, Research Methodology and Design, University of Nebraska)
Prof. Vucetic, Jelena (Committee Member, Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology)
Masters of Science (Telecommunications) (1999)
IONA College New Rochelle, NY, USA
Bachelor of Sciences (Computer Sciences) (1994)
Mohammed V University of Sciences, Rabat, Morocco
- Systèmes informatiques.
- Télécommunications.
- Développement web.
- e-commerce
Professor/researcher at UEMF Morocco October 2016 to present
Assistant Professor and IT director at ALHOSN University UAE Aug 2010 to Aug 2016
Assistant Professor and MIS department’s chair at ALHOSN University UAE Aug 2008-2010
System Engineer/programmer Emphanet Communications, USA, Nov 2001 to June 2008
(Web development & design, Database design, System Admin, Systems Repair and design, Networking)
Database Engineer/Programmer and System Administrator
Waypoint Communications Inc. USA, May 1999 to June 2001
(Web development, Database design, Network Administration)
Instructor: Peninsula College, Port Townsend campus, USA, Feb 1999 to May 1999
(Computer sciences)
Technician: Olympic Computer Solutions, Port Townsend, USA, Feb 1999 to May 1999
(Network design and support, computer repair)
IT engineer: Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco: March 1994 to Sept 1997
(Computer Sciences Service Administrator, Technical support, Applications
Development, Computer Sciences Instructor)
Refereed Conference Papers
El Jai, M., Saidou, N., Zineddine, M., Bachiri, H. Mathematical design and preliminary mechanical analysis of the new lattice structure: “GE-SEZ*” structure processed by ABS polymer and FDM technology. Prog Addit Manuf (2020).
M. Zineddine and C. Alaoui, Digital Plagiarism and its impact on education: UAE case, "13ème édition du Colloque de l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’information et des Systèmes, CETSIS – 2018"
C. Alaoui, and M. Zineddine, MOOC vs. Traditional classroom teaching: lessons to improve learners’ retention "13ème édition du Colloque de l’Enseignement des Technologies
et des Sciences de l’information et des Systèmes, CETSIS – 2018"
M. Zineddine, C. Alaoui , April. Manufacturers mapping according to CC assurance security certified products. In The International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security April 27-28, 2018. Springer.
C. Alaoui, and M. Zineddine, 2018 "Hybrid BTMS for lithium-ion batteries," In : 5th
International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’17), Dec 4-7, 2017, Tangier, Morocco. IEEE.
C. Alaoui, M. Zineddine, S. Nourddin, Towards the implementation of refurbished ev lithium-ion batteries for smart grid energy storage, Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), 1-5. 2017.
M. Zineddine; Chakib Alaoui; Nourddin Saidou, Commercial software companies and open source community reaction to disclosed vulnerabilities: Case of Windows Server 2008 and Linux patching , 2017, IEEE, International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS), 1 - 4, DOI: 10.1109/WITS.2017.7934677, 2017.
M.Zineddine, “Estimation of storage reliability using Weibull distribution: case of a hard drive” Australia-Middle East Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Dubai, UAE, 2016.
M.Zineddine, “The Dilemma of Securing Industrial Control Systems: UAE Context ” the 2nd International Conference On Information Technology for Organizations Development, Fes, Morocco, 2016.
M.Zineddine, “Smart Phones: an IT Security Concern for IT Management” International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.
M.Zineddine , “Models and Statistics Generated from Social Networks’ Data are Flawed: UAE Context” International Conference on Next Generation Computing and Communication Technologies 2014 (ICNGCCT ’14), Dubai, UAE.
M.Zineddine and H.Kindi, “Social Networks, another Hotbed for Security and Privacy Breaches” 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013), Chiang Mai, Thailand 2013.
M. Zineddine and Nahla Arafat “Attitude towards Robot Assisted Surgery: UAE context” International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT), IEEE, Al Ain, UAE, 2013.
Zineddine, M. IMMAESA: A Novel Evaluation Method of IDPSs' Reactions to Cyber-Attacks on ICSs Using Multi-Objectives Heuristic Algorithms. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) 15 (1), 65-98 (2021)
Zineddine, M. "A novel trust model for fog computing using fuzzy neural networks and weighted weakest link", Information and Computer Security (Impact Factor 2.13), Vol. 28 No. 5, pp. 763-800. (2020),
El Jai, M., Saidou, N., Zineddine, M. et al. Mathematical design and preliminary mechanical analysis of the new lattice structure: “GE-SEZ*” structure processed by ABS polymer and FDM technology. Prog Addit Manuf (2020).
Zineddine, M., Optimizing security and quality of service in a Real-time operating system using Multi-Objective Bat algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems (Impact Factor 7.187). Volume 87, October 2018, Pages 102–114.
- Big data and Cloud computing
- IT security
- Operating Systems
- Algorithmic and programing
- Information Systems Project Management
- Information Systems Analysis & Design Project (Capstone Projects)
- Information Systems Design and Implementation
- Information Systems Investigation and Analysis
- Advanced Database Design and Implementation
- E-Commerce
- Advanced Topics in E-Commerce (MBA)
- Web Development
- Advanced Web Development
- Data Communications and Networking
- Introduction to Computer Sciences
- Information Technology Applications in Business
- Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques
- Security & Privacy of Information & Information systems